Happy New Year

Landon enjoyed spending time with family again this week and participated in his first New Year toast. Check out the face he makes when he closes the dishwasher a little too hard and is afraid he might be in trouble. Landon’s favorite phrase lately is “I don’t want it” and he also enjoys saying “dog goes” followed by barking noises but we were unable to convince him to do either of those things for the camera. Maybe next week. [Music is Song For No One by Mike Snow]

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year

  1. The expression on his face when he closed the dishwasher is priceless.  Uh oh, I think I broke all of the dishes.  Good thing Daddy is videotaping this so he can’t yell at me on camera.

  2. Happy New Year, Landon!  I love watching your videos. It was  great spending quality time with you and your parents this past week. You are a bright bundle of energy!

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