
Now that Landon is 6 months old we thought it was about time we got him a crib. Most of the cribs we wanted were out of stock when we went to Ikea yesterday, but they did have this nice blue one available, so we took it home, put it together, and now Landon has a brand new bed. He seems to like it.

Crib June 2008

Crib June 2008


Solid foods Landon has eaten, in the order he has eaten them: Rice cereal, bananas, carrots, and peas. Here is a movie of Landon’s first time trying peas on June 25, 2008.

Lots of Great New Photos

Roger Fojas took photos of Landon and family on June 22, 2008. These are some of our favorite shots from that photo shoot.

Good Morning

Landon tends to be talkative in the morning. Here is a short video of him waking up today and saying “good morning.” He also enjoys tummy time these days. As you see here, if Landon is awake, and you lay him on his back, he’ll normally quickly flip over onto his stomach.

6 Months Old

Landon is 6 months old today. He celebrated by sleeping in this morning. He’s been sleeping for 10 hours straight, and still going, with just a quick break for a snack a couple of hours ago.


6 Months Old

6 Months Old

Walking in the Walker

Landon has been enjoying his walker as a place to hang out for a while now, but more recently he’s discovered the art of actually walking in it. Here is a short movie of Landon scooting forward in his walker.

First Food

Landon had his first food other than breast milk this evening. Rice cereal. He seemed to enjoy it. You can witness the first 50 seconds or so of this messy experience above.