Made Mess

Toddlers certainly are messy eaters. Here is some video of Landon pointing out that he made a mess, blowing bubbles, and running around with a ball.

Taking Turns

While still not a pro at sharing, Landon has learned to embrace the concept of taking turns at times. Here is some video evidence of Landon taking turns with Daddy, and also some nice footage of Landon spending time with Mommy.



Some things are better not captured in picture or video, but for the record, Landon made his first poo poo in the potty today. He’s done number one in the potty before, but never number two, until today. (We can’t be sure what he’s done at day care, but at home this is a first).

Summer 2010

Summer 2010

Lightning McQueen

Landon can now walk up and down stairs by himself without holding onto anything. You can see him here walking down, which seems to be a little bit harder than going up. He’s also been singing “I Love Cars, E I E I O” a lot this week so we got some footage of that. We also finally took Lightning McQeen out for a spin today. Previously he had lived inside the house. At the end of this video you can see Landon and his Mommy practicing yoga.

Wave Pool

They finally opened the wave pool for the summer at Great America. Yeah! Also a little bit of video running around at the park.