
Landon had a wonderful time riding his trike in the Trike-a-Thon event at school this past week. At first he was interested in riding off-course and had a couple of collisions due to looking back at the people he was passing instead of forward in the direction he was heading. Before long, however, he was running lap after lap without indecent. For next year’s Trike-a-Thon we’ll have to get Landon a big-boy bike with training wheels – seems like he’s just about ready for that.


I Got It

I decided to have some fun with effects in iMove today. Here is some video of Landon at the park yesterday. He loves to throw things down the slide. This time he let me throw back up to him to catch.

Sept 2010

It’s great picking Landon up from day care because when he sees me he screams “Daddy!” Here is some video of that as well as Landon hitting balls with bats and playing at the pool.