New Shoes Dance

It’s a long standing ‘Larson’ tradition to open a few Christmas presents early. Today, Landon got a new pair of shoes and Daddy got a new camera. Both were very excited! The result, as you can see, is lots of footage of Landon jumping and dancing in his new shoes, all in a widescreen format Daddy’s previous point and shoot camera did not support. You can also see here that Landon’s new favorite TV show is The Backyardigans.

2 Years Old

Landon turns two years old tomorrow, on Dec. 14th. He celebrated his birthday today with family. A day at the children’s museum with his cousins followed by a wonderful dinner and opening presents, capped off with more playing with his cousins, made for the perfect day.

Winter 2009/2010 Photo Album

Winter 2009/2010 Photo Album