
Since Landon loves getting comments on his blog and since we already have 5 comments from yesterday’s post, we thought we’d reward his fans with a second posting this weekend. Here is a 21 second movie of Landon cracking up after his lunch today. Landon thinks sneezes are the funniest thing in the world. For reference, here is his last laughing movie from back when he was 4 months old.

Chasing the Rug

Last Sunday Landon decided it would be fun to chase the a rug in our kitchen. The rug was pretty fast but Landon eventually caught it. See for yourself in the 56 second movie above.

Grandparents in Town

Landon had a lot of visitors in town this weekend. Grandparents in from the east coast. Aunts and Uncles from nearby San Francisco. Here is a 3 minute and 15 second movie showing some of the highlights from the weekend.

9 Months Old

Landon is 9 months old today (8 months gestational age). He’s experiencing new “firsts” nearly every day it seems. Today we gave him whole chunks of organic banana for the first time. This week at day care Landon’s teacher told us he got in his first “fight,” pushing another little boy down in retaliation after being pushed first. Are we bad parents if the thought of 9 month olds fighting makes us laugh? Another recent first is that Landon can now pull himself up to a standing position and play standing up for long periods of time. We made the movie above this morning showing Landon standing and playing with his musical table, one of his favorite toys at the moment.

First Day Crawling

Landon learned to crawl today. The clip above shows his first couple of tries but within just a few minutes after these were taken he became a pro, crawling all over the place. I guess it’s time to get serious about baby-proofing the house.