No Pictures

Some weeks it’s very hard to get any video of Landon since as soon as he sees the camera (or phone being used as a camera, as the case may be) he gets upset and says “no pictures!” We did, however, get some footage here of him eating peanuts, one of his favorite snacks. Also this week, Landon has started abbreviating things. He’s been saying “Thanks” instead of “Thank you” and “Mom” instead of “Mommy.” Mommy isn’t very happy about this.

Red Means Stop

We couldn’t really get any footage of it, partially because our usual camera man was busy driving the car, but Landon’s favorite new thing to do this week is to announce at each red or green light we come across while driving that “red means stop” and “green means go.” There is a lot of footage of him this week doing something he’s loved to do for years it seems: kick the ball and say “I did it!” All of this video was shot on an iPhone 4 by the way.

Group Photos

It’s kind of fun to take video footage of group photos. Landon had lots of time with family this past week with Grandparents coming into town to see his new little brother and a party to celebrate his little brother reaching 1 month of age.

Find the Dog

Landon’s favorite books these days are the ones where he can search for an item on a cluttered page. If he can find a few of the same item and get to count them along the way that’s even better. Here is some video of Landon playing with his cousins, reading with his cousins, and throwing grapes in the backyard.