Blue Steel

Blue Steel” is the name of a male model pose in the movie Zoolander. See Ben Stiller to the below the picture of Landon doing it for reference. Now see Landon doing it below. We think he definitely has the makings of a male model. See more from this photo-shoot in the April gallery.

Blue Steel April 2009
Ben Stiller Blue Steel

Ben Stiller Blue Steel


Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Happy Birthday, Mommy! This song is for you. Note that halfway through the song the wind blows and we catch on camera the hilarious face Landon always makes when the wind blows in his face making it hard for him to breathe.

Dueling Laughter

Landon continues to develop his laugh. He’s also learning to respond to his Mommy’s voice. Here’s 47 seconds of Landon and his Mommy laughing back and forth. In other news, Landon officially started day care yesterday and his Mommy went back to work as her maternity leave unfortunately had to come to an end.


April 2008 Photo Album

The April album is here!