Working on His Words

Landon has been working on his language skills recently. Here he is saying hello to all of his fans. This was shot earlier today. Weight update: Landon weighs 8 pounds now and has been gaining an ounce or more each day.

Landon’s First Restaurant Experience

We went to a Thai restaurant for dinner last night with Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Glenn. It was our first time with Landon in a restaurant. It went great, including the advanced parenting maneuver of having mommy feeding Landon under the cover of her new “hooter hider” while daddy fed mommy.

Landon's First Restaurant Experience

Landon's First Restaurant Experience

Looking in the Mirror

Here is 41 seconds of Landon looking at himself in the mirror yesterday at exactly one month old. Another big milestone coming tomorrow is the day Landon would have been born if he hadn’t come early. Tomorrow he is officially zero years old counting from gestational age. A few new photos were added to the current gallery today as well.

New Photos

We posted some new photos today of Landon’s adventures over the past few days. Click the image above to go to the new album. In other news, Landon weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces at his Dr. appt. on Wednesday. He’s eating well and gaining lots of weight.

Landon Tries Out His Swing

Warning: this movie might make you dizzy. This is Landon getting a little sunshine, trying out his swing today for the first time (thanks again for the swing, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Rachel). He seems to like sleeping in it. Sorry we haven’t posted in a while. Our power was out for almost 24 hours on Friday/Saturday.

Landon meets his pediatrician

Landon went to see his pediatrician for the first time today. He also put on shoes for the first time since he hadn’t ever been anywhere other than home and the hospital before, two places where shoes are discouraged for babies. The doctor said Landon was strong as an ox and very handsome and invited him back next week for immunizations and other fun activities. Landon weighed in at 5 pounds 10 ounces, which is 7 ounces above his birth weight and more than 7 ounces heavier than he was just a week ago. Click the photo to see the picture in a larger size.

Landon meets his pediatrician

Landon meets his pediatrician