
We went to Costco today. Landon found a really cool bike there that he wanted badly but was still too small for. He also helped his Mommy test out a massage chair which we decided to bring home with us.


Landon spend the long MLK day weekend in Tahoe and had a wonderful time playing in the snow, as you can see in this video. You can also see some footage at the end of Landon telling us how a “dog goes” and playing cars with his cousins.

25 Pounds

Landon hasn’t gained much weight in the past 6 months, but he has gotten quite a bit taller. The doctor isn’t worried and says this is very normal for a boy as active as Landon is at this age. On Jan. 5th, Landon finally weighed in over 25 pounds.

25_pounds 2010

25_pounds 2010

Happy New Year

Landon enjoyed spending time with family again this week and participated in his first New Year toast. Check out the face he makes when he closes the dishwasher a little too hard and is afraid he might be in trouble. Landon’s favorite phrase lately is “I don’t want it” and he also enjoys saying “dog goes” followed by barking noises but we were unable to convince him to do either of those things for the camera. Maybe next week. [Music is Song For No One by Mike Snow]