New Trick: Rolling Over

Landon learns new things every day, it seems. One thing he’s gotten quite good at recently is rolling over from his stomach to his back. Here’s a video for those who can’t be there to see it in person.


Shout Out to Uncle Bobby

Landon wanted to dedicate this post to Uncle Bobby for always posting comments in his blog. While others seem to have forgotten about us or are just too shy to add comments at all, Uncle Bobby is always quick to lend his support and encouragement. Good luck tomorrow, Uncle Bobby!

Shout Out To Uncle Bobby

Shout Out To Uncle Bobby

Interpretive Dance

Landon hasn’t yet mastered the English language but he does express himself through interpretive dance. This movie shows Landon saying “I love my Mommy. I have the best Mommy in the world. She feeds me, cleans me, takes care of me and loves me. This dance is for you, Mommy!”

March Photo Album is Up

It’s a new month and a good time to start a new photo album for Landon. The March album is now up. We also added a couple of new movies to the movies page. Cheers.

Rocking Out

We must be a little crazy here in the Larson household because we enjoy watching this 1.5 seconds of video (shot Feb 25 2008) on a loop over and over again.

If you’d rather watch the longer version here it is: