
Landon has 4 molars coming in. The bottom two have been coming in for a while. The top two still have a lot of cutting to do. This will give Landon 12 teeth total but all the teething has him pretty grumpy and uncomfortable. Here is a short movie of Landon whining because his teeth hurt.


January 2009 Photo Album

The January 2009 album is here!

First Week of 2009

Here is some assorted footage of Landon taken during the first week of 2009. There are so many new toys to play with after his birthday and Christmas just passed. The busy ball popper his Uncle Aaron and Aunt Laura got for him shown here is one of his current favorites along with the Learning Home which can be seen in the background. Landon loves drinking water, but he loves it even more when he gets to drink it from his Mommy’s glass. Finally, at the end is yet another shot of Landon enjoying the chair he got for his birthday from the Galbos and Tretters.