
Good game today. Some video here of Landon taking a shot on goal and then making a couple of saves at Goalie in the second half of what turned out to be a 0-0 game.

Soccer Season

Soccer season is back. Here is some video from Landon’s first game of the season. They won 2-0.​​​​​​​​

Great Soccer Weekend

Landon had a great weekend of soccer.  His team played two games and despite spending exactly half of each game playing goal keeper he scored 3 of his team’s 4 goals. The 4th goal Landon didn’t score was from a penalty kick. He played great at keeper as well.

Video below of one of his goals and one of his saves that I happened to get on video.



Some baseball video from yesterday. Pitching. Walking. Hitting. 




Landon started playing basketball this year and has really been enjoying it. Here are the first points of his basketball career on a free throw and a photo of his team with their coach and then finally at the bottom some footage of Landon pulling down a rebound and taking a shot. 

Soccer and a Lost Tooth

Here is video of Landon playing soccer today. A bit tired but just a few minutes before this Landon lost a tooth during play and he still has blood on his face here. A few minutes after this video was shot Landon scored an awesome goal for his team.