Landon meets his pediatrician

Landon went to see his pediatrician for the first time today. He also put on shoes for the first time since he hadn’t ever been anywhere other than home and the hospital before, two places where shoes are discouraged for babies. The doctor said Landon was strong as an ox and very handsome and invited him back next week for immunizations and other fun activities. Landon weighed in at 5 pounds 10 ounces, which is 7 ounces above his birth weight and more than 7 ounces heavier than he was just a week ago. Click the photo to see the picture in a larger size.

Landon meets his pediatrician

Landon meets his pediatrician


4 thoughts on “Landon meets his pediatrician

  1. Hey buddy!  Cool shoes!  Glad to hear your doc visit went well and that you’re eating well and puttin’ on weight!  Let’s just hope you don’t develop your uncle’s appetite!  Your mommy and daddy might go broke if you end up eating like me.  He he

  2. Wow, Landon’s a stylin handsome little man!  I bet all the little girls were checking him out.  He looks great.  Good ole TLC from mom and dad.

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