Couch Potato

We hope Landon won’t learn bad habits from his parents. Here he is sitting around watching TV in his bumpo, movie theater style.

Couch Potato May 2008

Couch Potato May 2008

3 thoughts on “Couch Potato

  1. Hmmm, I thought to make a criticizing comment about starting him off so young…  I changed my mind as I was aware of the irony and hypocrisy that I am reading and replying to this while on my couch.  He he.  So instead I’ll say… “Awwww how cute!”  LOL  BTW…totally kidding about thinking anything critical to begin with..   🙂

  2. I had a second thought, looking at this closer… I pictured a baby version of that old “Memorex” or was it “Maxell” commercial with the guy being blasted by his stereo… Just need a little table to hold his bottle and show it being blown off by the stereo sound waves.  🙂

  3. Hilarious picture.  Teletubbies?  He should be watching the Baby Einstein DVD’s that Uncle Bob gave to Blake and passed on to Landon.

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