
Landon has graduated from simple crawling to a new hobby: climbing. He climbs the stairs. He climbs onto tables. He’ll even climb into the dishwasher if we let him.

5 thoughts on “Climbing

  1. Wow, Landon can load the dishes and brush his teeth before his first birthday.  Pretty advanced!  I recognize the striped shirt.

  2. My goodness!  Perhaps he should have dressed as a monkey for Halloween instead of a shark!  I can’t believe how mobile he is!  It won’t be long before he’s graduating from dishwashers to trying to go for a ride in the dryer!  🙂

  3. WOW, Landon.. You are getting so strong and agile.  I love watching your blogs and keeoing up a little with your progress. What a great young man you are!

  4. Landon, you are taking after your father.  He was a climber from the beginning, and you are just as good.  I love the extra little slap you give the stairs when you climb them.  Be sure to keep your mom and dad active in recording your life.  You provide pleasure to a lot of people.  Grandpa Russ

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