
Landon had so much fun this week. In this video you’ll see him climbing stairs, all by himself, to reach the top of the slide, which he slides down all by himself. You’ll see him dancing with his Mommy, which always brings a smile to his Daddy’s face. You’ll see him creating more great art. We have hundred of his masterpieces in our collection but there is always room for more. You’ll see we visited the Junior Museum and Zoo for the first time. Finally, you’ll get a glimpse into one of Landon’s favorite things. He has an unexplainable obsession with our old 2-seater convertible. He always cries when we make him get out. We don’t drive it as much now that we have Landon so I guess he thinks it must be his car.

3 thoughts on “Slide/Dance/Art/Zoo/Museum/Car

  1. What a wonderful video.  Thanks for sharing all the things that you are learning to do. You are lucky to have parents who do so much with you and care so much about you.

  2. Hi Landon,
    You are a very lucky boy to have such great parents! I love seeing a glimpse of your growing up.  Thanks for sharing the video!

  3. What a big boy!  Brings back memories of Alec and Nick growing up.  You forget how they progress and explore the world.  I think all kids like playing in a car – all the buttons to push and a big steering wheel instead the little ones in the toy cars.

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