Lightning McQueen

Landon can now walk up and down stairs by himself without holding onto anything. You can see him here walking down, which seems to be a little bit harder than going up. He’s also been singing “I Love Cars, E I E I O” a lot this week so we got some footage of that. We also finally took Lightning McQeen out for a spin today. Previously he had lived inside the house. At the end of this video you can see Landon and his Mommy practicing yoga.


Here is some video from this weekend. Landon tried on sunglasses, visited a street fair complete with a bouncy house and cars, and played with his own cars at home.

Dancing Dinosaurs

This video spans a couple of weeks. Last weekend Landon’s Grandma came to visit and they had a great time dancing and going to Great America. This weekend Landon went to Addy’s second birthday party, had a visit from his Uncle Kevin, and then went to see his other Grandmother for Mother’s day, where he got to play with Uncle Bobby’s dogs and his cousins.

I Did It

Landon’s favorite thing to say lately is “I did it!” Here is some video over the past couple of weeks. Landon’s favorite movie these days is Wall-E. He asks to watch it all the time.


Last week at day care Landon demonstrated that he is now able to work the pedals on a tricycle. Not sure when he learned to do that but here is some video footage documenting this new milestone. This past week Landon has also really stepped up his understanding of how to use an iPhone. He can quickly switch between his favorite toddler apps. We’ll try to get some footage of that soon. Also be sure to catch the end of the video where Mommy takes a turn riding the tricycle. [Music is First Sight by These United States]


We went to Costco today. Landon found a really cool bike there that he wanted badly but was still too small for. He also helped his Mommy test out a massage chair which we decided to bring home with us.

Happy New Year

Landon enjoyed spending time with family again this week and participated in his first New Year toast. Check out the face he makes when he closes the dishwasher a little too hard and is afraid he might be in trouble. Landon’s favorite phrase lately is “I don’t want it” and he also enjoys saying “dog goes” followed by barking noises but we were unable to convince him to do either of those things for the camera. Maybe next week. [Music is Song For No One by Mike Snow]