Creative Drawing

Landon’s first grade teacher sent us the following note today:

We did a little creative drawing thing today, where each child got a paper with 9 squares.  Each square had a squiggle or shape or line(s).  The first graders needed to finish each into a picture.  Afterward, they walked around to see what their classmates did. Landon’s work really stood out as impressive. He got more compliments than anyone.  I will send home a copy for you to see today.  

Here is what came home:

Landon's artwork Jan 2015

Landon’s artwork Jan 2015


Landon drew this picture this week. The upper left is Todd from the movie ‘The Fox and the Hound.’

Upper right is some of the things that have happened lately, including getting a bee sting, learning to spell, and walking 50 laps in the walk-a-thon.

Bottom left is the ice picture of a snow ninja on a snow board “freezing everything in the ice cold winter.”

Bottom right is the world, which will “always be happy with my dad, me, my mom and my brother drawing pictures.”

Landon Drawing Oct 2014

Landon Drawing Oct 2014

Lego Movies From Camp

Landon made these three movies at camp today and yesterday.