Landon’s First Kid Pitch Baseball Game

Landon’s baseball team started kid pitch today and Landon got some time on the mound. Here are a few of his pitches. Didn’t catch it on video but he also fielded a hit from the pitchers mound and threw the runner out at first base.

The Day Landon Met Spiral

Landon wrote this story this morning.

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One day I was in the city Ann Arbor. I was taking a walk to the park. All of the sudden a dinosaur jumped out a bush. I was scared at first I knew it was a meat eating dinosaur but it wasn’t attacking me so I knew it was a friendly dinosaur. After that I started asking him a lot of questions. I asked him how old are you? He said I am 8 years old.You are 8 that is young and I am 8 too.l asked what year he was born in? He said he was born on December 14 2007 5 in the morning.Hay thats my birthday one more question I said. Ok what is it.What is your name?! don’t have a name my Mom and Dad died right after I was born, that is very very vey sad I said. Ya he said in a sad voice.Hey I know a good name for you! You should be named spiral I said. Ya! That is a great name he said! For now on my name is SPIRAL! Lets go to the theater Spiral said. I have a question for you Spiral said. Ok. What is your name? My name is Landon I said. Ok.The movie Star Wars #7 it was awesome. This is my last question where are you from I said? I am from Yellow Stone park Spiral said. Somehow Spiral vanished in to thin air and I teleported in my bed in CA. I was very very very very very very very very sad. Spiral I will never forget you. THE END.

Soccer and a Lost Tooth

Here is video of Landon playing soccer today. A bit tired but just a few minutes before this Landon lost a tooth during play and he still has blood on his face here. A few minutes after this video was shot Landon scored an awesome goal for his team.