Receiving Gifts and Pumpkins

Landon might be a little bit spoiled. He loves getting new toys and we love the reaction from him when he receives a new toy. Here is some video of Landon receiving gifts, usually as reward for good behavior, and also some video from Landon at the pumpkin patch with his friend Ade.

Trike-A-Thon 2011

Landon rode in the trike-a-thon again this year. He raised money for charity and had a great time. You’ll also see him at the end riding his scooter down a steep hill. He saw some bigger kids do it so he had to try it out himself.

Singing Pumped Up Kicks

Landon’s favorite song right now is “Pumped up Kicks” by Foster The People. We used it in the background of his blog post on Aug 20th. Here he is singing that. He has also been very into drawing lately, so here he is showing off some recent creations. You’ll also see Grandma Sherri was here to visit this weekend and the pure joy Landon gets from receiving a new toy he’s been wanting. Finally, you can see him dressed in the Tiger costume we got him for halloween and riding his scooter a bit at the park.

Writing His Name

Today when we picked Landon up from pre-school his teacher excitedly reported that Landon had written his name very well without any coaching. He went on to cover a bit of it up with red as he continued to draw, but here is that picture Landon drew this afternoon. Click the image to see the full sized version including what Landon asked his teacher to write at the top.


Baby Tiger Rides a Big Boy Bike

For the past week or so, Landon gets upset if you call him Landon. He insists on being called “Baby Tiger.” He has been drawing tiger stripes on himself at school and today he drew them at home as well. Also shown in this video is Landon’s new big boy bike with training wheels. He’s getting pretty good at riding it.

Landon the Actor

The past few days Landon likes to play a game where he hits himself in the head and pretends to knock himself out. We didn’t get the best example of this on camera but it’s something. Also shown here: Landon and Kellan having trouble getting along – not wanting to share the same chair.

County Fair and Chuck E Cheese

Landon has recently discovered Chuck E Cheese’s. It’s his new favorite place. There is a little bit of video of that at the end, but most of this is from the County Fair where Landon rode his first real horse and watched a pig race.