We Have Moved

We have moved! Since MobileMe is shutting down in June, we had to move this blog before it was deleted. New posts will show here at LandonLarson.net while we slowly copy everything from LandonLarson.com. Once the transition is complete, both URLs will go to the same place.


Getting Ready For Bed

Tonight while getting ready for bed we took some video of story time and bathroom time. An intimate view into the wind down time getting ready for bed.

Grandma Bought Me a Fish

Landon’s Grandma bought him a fish when she was in town visiting last weekend. Here he is talking about the fish.

New Umbrella

Landon went to the toy store today and picked out an umbrella over any other toy there. Here he is talking about his new umbrella. In other news, it’s not captured on video here but Landon has become pretty polite at times. When he has something to say he usually starts with “excuse me.”

Holiday Performance

Christmas performance at school 12/16/11. As the clip goes on Shiva and Landon have more and more fun.

Early Birthday in Michigan

Lately Landon’s favorite thing to say is “after I’m done.” You can catch him saying it at the beginning of this video of his early birthday party at Chuck E Cheese’s in Michigan.