Stop Saying That

Landon has developed a bad habit lately. When he gets grumpy he insists that we “stop saying that” no matter what it is we’re saying. Although we don’t enjoy it, we felt it was important to capture this stage on video, so here it is, along with some other footage of Landon and his brother this week.

Playing With Brother

Some video of Landon and Kellan playing earlier today. Landon is great with his baby brother. Very protective and never rough with him. When Kellan cries Landon sings to him or brings him toys to make him happy.

Baby Brother

Landon’s baby brother was born this week. Landon has been protective of his brother already. At the doctor’s office when Kellan was crying, Landon told the doctor his exam needed to be “all done” since it was making the baby cry. He also brings Kellan his pacifier several times a day.